For the Xerox project, I only used what was on my face to make my project. I made about 7 copies of my face from the Xerox machine and then I decided what to do after I made the copies. At first, I had a completely different idea and was going to use my face and hands with something. Then I saw that we were doing it on art movements so I started to research some. The most interesting one that I found was cubism or cubist. The most famous artist that used this type of technique in his art was Picasso. After I went through some of his artwork I picked out my favorite pieces and tried to be inspired by that. So with my project, I ended up cutting out pieces of my eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth. After that, I taped it over one of the copied pictures that didn't turn out very well. As you can see from the pictures above you can kind of see how I did things. I actually liked doing this project I thought that it was very interesting and fun. I kind of wish I would've started it early so I could've added more to my project, but I think it turned out alright. Also, the piece I was inspired by was "Head of a Woman", by Picasso.
Updated: I really did like my idea of using Picasso as an inspiration and doing the "Head of a Woman", but my own version. My project did end up being too small unfortunately so I added some more to it. My next idea was to make a body for the face but that was also too small of a project so I came up with one more idea. You can see from the new picture I added that I made palm trees and I added grass. So for the palm trees, I used photocopies of my arms for the stem of the tree. For the leaf part of the palm trees, I used my hands. I know it doesn't look just like a palm tree, but I wanted it to look similar. For the grass, I used photocopies of my feet and I cut the more rigidity to make it look like grass. Lastly, I used one of the pictures of my version of "Head of a woman" and I cut it into a circle. I decided to make it a moon at night since it came out a little darker. I thought this idea was more involved and creative than the first one, and I got to use more pictures.
This Xerox project is so cool! I loved the inspiration behind your piece of art, it's so neat!