21st Century Technology

21st Century Technology: Self-driving trucks   

As a lot of us know, automation will be taking over the world in the future. For those that don’t know what automation is, it’s technology by which a process or procedure is performed without human assistance. The type of automation I wanted to focus my paper on is self-driving cars. More specifically, self-driving tesla semi trucks. The reason why I wanted to talk about this is because this is a big idea that people have started creating and I think it will be the future of our cars with this new technology.
There are both pros and cons to having self-driving cars. A pro is that it can give more jobs to people. As technology in our world becomes better it is able to give people more jobs in the engineering field for example. Something that Tesla caught was that there’s a driver shortage with truck drivers. That way they can fill those spots with the self-driving trucks. Also, trucking is a very brutal job. People have to stay away from their families for weeks sometimes. Additionally, drivers have to  deal with long, tedious stretches where they are inactive but have to stay focused. If we had self-driving trucks we wouldn’t have to worry about that because a computer is the thing that’s running the truck.
Now that we’ve gone over some pros of self-driving trucks, we need to talk about the cons. The information I’m about to state is from what the self-driving trucks that Tesla has created, is during the different test drives they’ve experienced. As Tesla stated they still have plenty of kinks to work out. First off, the computer’s vision lost sight on the freeway. Because this happened the truck didn’t turn hard enough and it crashed. A main concern for people is not being able to trust these self-driving cars because of not knowing how many crashes can occur. There will also be economic ripples, affecting insurance premiums, truck stops, vocational schools, and the roads. Lastly, this will be taking away jobs from people.
Something that could have influenced this type of vehicle technology is how cars keep increasing their skill. In the beginning everyone just had a normal car where you have to do all the work, such as cranking your window up and down, opening the door, looking towards the back window to make sure no cars are coming, etc. Now we have cars that can put the windows down by a push of a button and the same thing with opening and closing the doors. Also, now cars have cameras so we don’t have to turn all the way around to see if cars are coming, and they will warn us with beeping noises. Recently cars are now able to park themselves which is a big step towards self-driving. These are just a few things that I think influenced self-driving cars.
Self-driving cars are able to influence more advanced technology in the future. Having self-driving cars could  lead us to more automated jobs in the future. Some examples of these jobs could be a fast food worker, cashier, paralegals, loan officer, etc. I definitely thought that we would have flying cars by now, but having self-driving cars could lead us to there. Something more in line with self-driving cars that could happen is having self-driving delivery cars, taxis, busses, trains, and maybe even airplanes. As of now automation hasn’t taken over a lot yet, but as we continue in life we will be able to see the decrease in certain jobs, and an increase in a more technologically based field.

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